Sunday 14 May 2017

What is a bridge?

A bridge has a span between the teeth . This prosthesis is used to replace one or two teeth and finds its support by being the real teeth on either side of the missing teeth - the bridge pillars - is attached.  

The disadvantage of a bridge is that the teeth on which he relies are brittle. These are indeed honed to make the bridge to attach to, and sometimes even disproved. Eventually these teeth will also have to be replaced and will bridge must therefore be made longer. The alveolar bone beneath the bridge is not stimulated by this solution. The future of the surrounding teeth is not assured. Keep this into account when you make your choice.

Dental Crowns Silverdale.

Kitsap Gentle Dentistry
9910 Levin Road NW, Suite 100
Silverdale, WA 98383
(360) 698-1990

Tuesday 9 May 2017

Affordable Dentures In Silverdale City

Needing some affordable Dentures in Silverdale City? Find out ways to save without dental insurance and what dentists are close to you. Now Call us today at 360-698-1990.

Monday 1 May 2017

Teeth Whitening Silverdale WA

Kitsap Gentle Dentistry Silverdale offers a range of dental Teeth Whitening Treatments. Procedures, advantages & disadvantages will be discussed.